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Linda M. Feltner

artist, educator & interpretive specialist

Linda Feltner is an award-winning nature artist and educator. She combines the creativity of artistic design with strict standards of scientific accuracy, into what has become her trademark. Her areas of expertise include painting and drawing, teaching national workshops, guest lecturing, guiding birding and nature tours and maintaining her flourishing freelance business in fine art and interpretive illustration. Linda has been an instructor for the University of Washington Scientific Illustration Certification Program, and currently teaches for the Art Institute of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. She is a member of the Artists For Conservation, Society of Animal Artists, and Guild of Natural Science Illustrators.

Linda’s aim is to provide a spark—to awaken curiosity and invite questions, to promote an appreciation for the complexity of nature and to foster a desire to protect it. Her home in the Sky Islands of southeastern Arizona provides awe-inspiring biodiversity right outside her studio window.

Drawing Nature: The Creative Process of an Artist, Illustrator, and Naturalist

DRAWING NATURE (publishing July 2) presents the creative process of an acclaimed nature artist, guiding readers from field sketches to finished art and demonstrating how science and the close observation of nature can be integrated into the artist's work to create dynamic, meaningful images. With chapters that flow from drawing basics to more advanced methods and concepts, this beautifully illustrated book is like a look inside the artist's sketchbooks to discover their secrets.


Linda Miller Feltner demonstrates how observation and recording are sparks to creativity. Her journey from loose sketches and drawings to a completed work begins with observing a natural process, object, or interaction between organisms. This book enables us to look at nature through an artist's eyes, draw inspiration from a place or a moment, and give express1on to its beauty.


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2021 N. Kinney Rd., Tucson AZ 85743 U.S.A.  
Phone (520) 883-3024 or email

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