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Mask Making Workshop, Sept 27-29

Jolene Schafer

September 27, 28, 29 Friday, Saturday, Sunday

9:00 am – 3:00 pm

$165 museum members/$215 nonmembers


Use the foundational skills gained in Introduction to Leather Art to create a fantastic and functional piece of wearable art! When made with care, leather masks are extremely comfortable, lightweight, beautiful and durable. Gain specialized mask making skills and experience in wet forming leather so that it becomes a true second skin. Students will work with a flat paper pattern and learn how it translates into a three dimensional leather form. This class will focus on creating one mask of the same design from start to finish. By the end of class each student will have created a finished leather mask suitable for display and wearing! Mask patterns and the leather needed to create one mask and related exercises will be provided. (Prerequisite: Introduction to Leather Art)

Mask Making Workshop, Sept 27-29

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