Becky Neideffer
Becky Neideffer is an artist with a life-long passions for art, she has worked in all mediums, but prefers soft pastels and colored pencils. Her art is realistic with an emphasis on light in both mediums. Her paintings are predominately landscapes but include still life, animals, figurative and floral subjects. She is a self-taught artist and has studied basic design, anatomy, landscape, charcoal, watercolor, pen and ink, conte, pastel and oil with professional artists. Workshops include Richard McKinley, Maggie Price, Doug Dawson, Stephanie Birdsall, Albert Handell, Phil Starke, Ned Mueller, Larry Charles, Linda Lucas Hardy, Pat Averil, Ann Kullberg and Cecile Baird.
In January of 2010, she founded the Tucson Pastel Society which has now grown to over sixty members. They have a general meeting once a month from September to May featuring demonstrations, competitions and instructional information on the business of art. During the season, they also meet twice a month to paint “en plein air” at various locations in Tucson and Southern Arizona. They share a passion for pastels.
She is President of the Tucson Pastel Society, a member of the Sonoran Plein Air Painters, the Pastel Society of America, the Tucson Colored Pencil Artists Association and the Colored Pencil Society of America, national and state district #212.