Ursula Schneider
A multi-medium artist with a focus on soft pastel and a flair for modern style, Ursula Schneider most commonly illustrates her greatest influence—the Sonoran Desert. Living in the midst of the lush desert near Tucson, Arizona, she was inspired to begin creating fine art in 2016 when a friend asked her to teach an illustrated art journaling class. The setting of Ursula’s unique desert home provides her with the opportunity to savor and celebrate the area’s subtle, everyday beauty, as well as its bursts of extravagant splendor. With a goal of inspiring enthusiasm and protection for the natural world, her conservation-focused artwork seeks to bring the region’s often-unnoticed and underappreciated nuances to the forefront of her viewers’ consciousness.
A self-taught portrait photographer and graphic designer, Ursula began formal art study at Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Art Institute in 2019. Having taught adults in a variety of settings, she now turns her attention to helping artists develop their abilities to their fullest potential through the exploration what each student brings uniquely. Join her in classes to unleash your unique expression.